How Do I Download The Pro or Premium (Paid) App To My Device?

A full list of our apps is available, to review, on our Mobile App page.

  • Our iOS apps are available via the Apple App Store. 
  • Our Android apps are available via the Android Play Store.

Download the Pro or Premium (paid) App: 


  1. Visit the Apple App Store on your iPhone or iPad
  2. Select the premium Dictionary Pro Learn Words application.
  3. Complete the prompts and purchase of the app
  4. Download the app to your device, and enjoy!


  1. Visit the Android Play Store, on your android device
  2. Select the Dictionary Premium app
  3. Complete a purchase of the app
  4. Download the app to your device and get started on your word journey!

Previously purchased one of our Pro/Premium (paid) Apps?

  • If you have previously purchased our Pro or Premium app: open up the App or Play Store app and login to the App or Play Store, using the same Apple ID or Play Store account you used to make your initial purchase.
  • Once you are logged into the same App or Play Store account you used to buy the app previously, you can navigate to "Purchases" and download the app to your current/new device. 
  • Notes:
    • App purchases are solely made under, and linked to, to the App or Play Store accounts under-which you make the purchase, and only apply to the specific app you paid for.
    • App purchases are not in any way linked to a user account (please do not try to use the "login" button found on the app to try to manage your purchases; that is for logging into a user account only, not an app/play store account. It isn't what you need to do to manage app purchases)
    • App purchases do *not* transfer between app or play stores, across different store accounts, and don't give you access to purchases across our different apps. 
    • If you move to the opposite store, lose access to your purchasing store account, or move to another app, you will need to make a new purchase in your new app/play store account.

Already have the Free App, and looking to upgrade?

  • Please note that you cannot upgrade to the Premium version of the app from the Free version. They are in fact two separate apps. 
  • In order to use the Pro App, you will need to purchase and download it separately from the App Store. The easiest way to tell the difference is to look for the silver lining around the app icon.
  • Alternately, you can purchase the "Power Pack" Upgrade in our Free app, to get the same experience but stay within the app you already have!
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