How To Search Words & Navigate Between Definitions & Synonyms (and Antonyms)

Search - finding a Dictionary or Thesaurus entry:

Type your word into the search box at the top of either the or homepage. The search result box will show entries across both and (where such entries exists).

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    1. The "Definitions" listing(s) will take you to that word's Dictionary entry
    2. The "Synonyms" listing(s) will take you to that word's Thesaurus entry
      • Looking for antonyms? If any antonyms exist in our corpus for the word you searched they would be listed on the same "Synonyms" entry. Click on the "Synonyms" Thesaurus link in the search results. Then scroll down to see whether any antonyms are listed on that particular Thesaurus entry. Both synonyms and antonyms are listed on same Thesaurus page (not a separate page), if we have such content in our corpus. Some terms do not have antonyms listed in our corpus.

Other Search Results- Supplementary & Editorial Content:

In addition to any Dictionary and/or Thesaurus entries for the specific word you searched, some search results may also show related or near words (as in the above screenshot which surfaced entries for "light" as well as near words such as "lights," "lighten," "lighter" etc.), and may occasionally also show related editorial content. 

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Don't see a or result for what you searched?

  • If you search a term and only see a search suggestion entry for one (but not both) of those two sites listed, you can assume the term is not currently found in the corpus for the site that is not listed.
    • For example, this search (screenshot below) shows a search for "antidisestablishmentarianism" when on

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    • This search result (above) shows that there is no such entry on (we don't have synonyms or antonyms for this term in our Thesaurus database at this time). As such, no "Synonym" (thesaurus) column or results appear here.
    • But we do have an entry for this term on, so the search displays the "Definitions" page in the search results. There is also some additional editorial content available, and that is listed under the "Featured content" section of that search results
    • As always, tapping Enter or Return will take one to the top search suggestion result (if one is listed). In this above scenario, if one were to still tap enter/return on this search they will not be taken to a Thesaurus entry (as none exist for this term).  In this case you would be taken to the top result, which is the Dictionary entry for "antidisestablishmentarianism."
  • If you don't see any Dictionary or Thesaurus search results displayed when you search a term, this either means:
    • the term you searched is not currently listed in either of our corpora
      • Our team of lexicographers is always hard at work researching new words to add! Learn more about this process here, and see an overview of a recent lexicography update.
    • It may also be possible that you have made a typographical error in your search query in a way which our system cannot match to an entry that is in our system. 

All of the above is also true on The only difference there that one should note on is that there the search results box will surface Thesaurus entries (if available) at the top of the list (on the left side), instead of the Dictionary entry. But you can search across both sites with ease!

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Already on an entry and want to move to the same entry on the opposite site?

On a word entry:

If the term you are on is also found in our Thesaurus corpus, you'll be able to easily click on a link to be taken to that word's entry on To orient you on a Dictionary page, see this portion of the page we've boxed in purple:


If you don't see one (or multiple) words linked on the page in this way, the term may not yet be listed in our Thesaurus corpus. For example, at the time this articles was written, the entry for crème doesn't contain this kind of link as crème is not currently found in our Thesaurus.

On a entry:

If the term exists in our Dictionary corpus, you'll see a linked phrase "View definition for ___" Click on that link to be taken to the same word's entry on That link is highlighted in purple here, to orient you on the screen: 

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If no link of this kind is listed on the Thesaurus entry you are on, you can assume the term is not currently found on 

Navigation links at the top of and

The and links in the top navigation (boxed here in purple to orient you on the page) take you to the and homepages.

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Menu Items:

Across the top of the page you'll also see options for menus to our Editorial content & the Account icon.

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