How Do I Hear the Pronunciation of a Word on or

When you search for a word’s definition on or, available audio pronunciations can be heard by clicking on the speaker icon, located next to the word. We've boxed that in purple in this screenshot to orient you on a word entry page: 


The same is true on entries (where audio content is found in our corpus):

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 2.57.20 PM.png

  • If you do not see the speaker icon on a given Dictionary or Thesaurus entry page, that means a a pronunciation is not available for that word. Our Lexicography team is always hard at work researching and recording the language- this does include adding new audio pronunciations to our site.
  • Please ensure your device's volume is on and loud enough to hear the pronunciation. 

To learn about the written pronunciations, see: Is There A Pronunciation Key To The Symbols Used? 

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