Where Do I Find A Word's Etymology (Word Origin)?

We offer information about a word's origin or etymology, when we have it available. 

If you are on Dictionary.com:

  • We offer a word's origin information on individual word entries, where available. The etymology information is located under the 'Origin of____' section; this can be found by scrolling through the first section of definitions and the quiz (on some entries there may be additional content around the quiz, such as videos). 


If you are on a Dictionary.com Android or iOS mobile app:

  • If you are looking on our Android or iOS apps, you can find the same origin information available on the website. The 'Origin' section is listed on the Definitions tab below the listed definitions, where available. Some words with multiple definitions may also have multiple origin sections listed (if the etymology differs between the definitions). We've highlighted the "origin" section in orange here, for visibility:


If an origin section is not listed on a particular entry, no origin information is offered on that specific entry, at this time.

Note: This Origin content may not be found in our stand-alone iPad apps.

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