Location, Permissions, and Opting Out in our Apps

Mobile Apps:

General Location Data

The information is gathered by our app’s location tracker allows us to see popular searches, and word trends based on geography. This information is purely for analytical purposes and does not collect any personal data from our users. 


Location is also used for us to be able to send you time-zone appropriate notifications- such as for the Word of the Day or Synonym of the Day notifications. 

Turning off Location Data Collection:

But you may, at any time, for any reason, opt-out of location tracking for these purposes by adjusting the settings on your device. Location services are typically located under the “Privacy” settings of your device. Once you have found Dictionary.com under location services, you may set it to: Never, Always, or While Using the App.


We also have options for GDPR and CCPA compliance so are required to collect user location data to display the legally required permissions or opt in/out settings for users in that legal jurisdiction.

However, one can choose to opt out of the pertinent advertising or sale of user data, when and as required by the respective laws, for users in the EU and California.

    1. Tap on the app's Main Menu
    2. Tap on the 'Settings' tab of your app. 
    3. Find the relevant opt out options at the bottom of 'Settings'
    4. To toggle the Consent Preferences to off/opt out, please slide the toggle to the greyed out/no color side.
      • Blue is ON (opted in).
      • Grey is OFF (opted out). Here's an example of an Opted Out app:
        • Screen_Shot_2021-02-18_at_2.46.56_PM.png

    5. Then, after toggling this to opt out, be sure to scroll to the bottom of that screen and tap the blue 'Confirm My Choices' button.

This preference will save until/unless you uninstall/reinstall the app. You will need to set your GDPR or CCPA settings each time you newly download the app, or when you reinstall.

If you'd like more information you can view the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy here.

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