How Do I Report an Error on Your Site?

Report an issue or error on a Dictionary word entry, definition, or on

We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to notify us of any errors you may have found on our site. In an effort to make the process of reporting an error more efficient, we ask that you read the following before submitting your message.

1. Offensive Terms or Content: The purpose of a dictionary is to define words as they are actually used. While some entries may include slang or offensive words, it is important that we provide the most accurate and up-to-date uses of words in our language. Our lexicographers review our content to make sure that our site is a reference source of the highest quality. Definitions, origins, or content made by our experienced lexicographic team are based on rigorous academic research. But we don't remove words because they are offensive; offensive terms are found in the language and it is our job to record the language. 

With our definitions of offensive or explicit words our lexicographers aim to give people context for when and how these words are used. Some entries may trigger negative emotions or offend others, but this does not mean encourages them as words to use in everyday conversations. 

You can learn more about this in our editorial article: How New Words Get Added To—And How The Dictionary Works

2. Third-Party Content: To find out more about the source of any particular entry, click on the source link immediately following the definition. If an entry comes from a third-party source, we are not able to edit the content. It is owned and managed directly by the third-party. 

Report a technical (non-word or lexicography related) issue, problem, or bug

If you experience an issue on our or website, we have some troubleshooting recommendations: 

  • Please ensure you are using an up-to-date browser, that is supported on our site. See: Updated browsers supported by and
  • If you are using a supported browser and the issue persists, please clear your browser's cache and history. Then try the site and your steps again. 
  • If the issue continues after you update your browser and clear your cache, please share some detailed information with us! Include: 
    1. The device you are using- including operating system and version
    2. What browser you are using (and version number)
    3. A link to the page(s) you were on when the issue occurred
    4. Whether you received any error messages.
    5. If so, what did the message say and when did you receive it?
    6. A clear step-by-step list of what you were doing on the site, and what happened that was unexpected or an error. 
    7. Good: A set of screenshots showing the breadth of the problem. Better: a video/screen-capture showing the full path of steps you took and what happened.

We appreciate people reporting issues to help us make and a better site and resource! However, we do *not* provide a bug bounty, or otherwise offer remuneration for reports.

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